Mens Leagues
Mens league Contact -
Men’s evening League curl at 7:00 pm every Monday or Tuesday beginning October through to March. Men’s League Fees:$378 +$17Curl Alberta fee​
Congratulations to the 2024 Club Champions:
Men's A Champions: Team Armstrong
Fred Armstrong
Wilson Lougheed
Lane Purdie
Rees Thomas
Men's B Champions: Team Schafer
Doug Schafer
Marshall Wood
Greg Hoar
Cornell Kuntz
Ken Munro
​Ladies Monday Afternoon League Contact–Irene Saunders 403-227-1328
The Afternoon League runs on Monday afternoons from 1:00 to 3:00.
Afternoon League Fees: $318 + $17 Curling Alberta fee
Ladies Wednesday Evening League Contact-
The Wednesday Evening League runs at 7:00 pm
The Ladies Wednesday Evenings Fees: $378 + $17 Curling Alberta fee
Registration Form
Ladies Champions: Team Dixon
Dorothy Dixon
Barb Chatenay
Irene Saunders
Wynne Bjorgan
Ladies Leagues
Mixed League
Mixed League contact –
There is one evening for Mixed League, Thursday , 6:30 and 8:45 beginning October through to March. Mixed League Fees: $378 + $17 Curling Alberta fee​
MIxed A Champions: Team Lewis
Kim Lewis
Gary Wagers
Lori Niemeyer
Colin Neimeyer
Mixed B Champions: Team Benko
Chris Benko
Robyn Benko
Adam Kline
Sara Stenhouse
Seniors League Director –Helen Leduc - 403-227-3432
The Seniors League curls every Tuesday from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
League fee $318 + $17 Curling Alberta fee . ​
Seniors League
Junior League
Junior League Director –Nancy McInerney-403-302-1506
The Junior League is for children in ages 12 + and they curl on Wednesday
afternoons from 4pm to 5:30. Junior League Fees: $125.00
Come Try It on Oct 30 from 4-5:30. League begins Nov 6th.
Little Rockers
Little Rocker League Director – Nancy McInerney-403-302-1506
The Little Rockers is for children in ages 7-11 and they curl every Wednesday afternoon from 4–5 or 5-6pm. Little Rockers League Fee: $125
(Stick League)
Sturling (Stick League)
The Sturling League curls every Wednesday from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. League Fee $318+ $17 Curling Alberta fee.
For more information about Innisfail Sturling (Stick Curling) call the club